Thermoplastic binders

Welcome to a new section dedicated to advanced technologies and materials, namely hybrid
 materials, which are based on thermoplastics.
The mission of our company is the development of new composite materials based on a 
thermoplastic binder, assistance to manufacturers in mastering this process, as well as the 
selection of technologies, equipment and materials for the production of a polymer composite 
material based on a thermoplastic matrix.
The main goal is to achieve product quality in accordance with established world standards, 
develop new directions and open a new business based on the proposed technologies. For us, 
the most important thing is not just selling, but the formation of new markets, the creation of 
high-tech products. We work diligently on the development of our partners and provide assistance
 in the production of not only thermoplastic prepregs, but also laminated continuous plastic, 
technical textiles, electrical insulating material and much more.
The specialists of our company have extensive experience in creating such industries. We do
 not just offer equipment, but above all production technology and are focused on the final
 product (material), combining the supply of equipment, material and providing a complete 
production cycle from scratch.

We propose to master the process of manufacturing continuous laminate, which involves 
the impregnation of each layer of reinforcing material with resin and hardener, pressing the 
material, heating and / or cooling, depending on the tasks. Fiberglass, carbon fiber, aramid
 fiber, basalt fiber, non-woven materials, foam, prepregs can be used as the basis for the future 
structure, and it is also possible to use them together. For example, you can lay down a
 polyurethane film-adhesive-fabric-adhesive-foam-adhesive and any non-woven fabric and
 get the finished structure in one pass. To create a laminate, both hard and soft material of 
different thicknesses and widths can be used, as an adhesive - powder, film, mesh.

The uniqueness of our direction lies in the fact that
 the tasks assigned to us will be solved and ensure maximum efficiency in achieving your goals.


Carbon Studio MENA Showcases Breakthroughs in Composite Materials at MECAM 2024 Exhibition Dubai, UAE

Carbon Studio MENA Showcases Breakthroughs in Composite Materials at MECAM 2024 Exhibition Dubai, UAE 24 december 2024

Reusable silicone vacuum bags

Enhance your production efficiency and minimize waste with our reusable silicone bags! Visit us at Stand №M187 during the MECAM Exhibition, September 10-12, 2024. 07 june 2024

New showroom and warehouse in Abu Dhabi

We are excited to announce the upcoming opening of our new showroom and warehouse in Abu Dhabi. 07 june 2024